Definition of Promethean

Promethean define: Boldly creative defiantly original

Promethean Polyvore Sets

Templates to Use:

I will choose a Polyvore members who I think have fabulous sets and showcase that (or those) member(s) here!!
  • No Roleplay sets
  • No copycats
  • Sets have to have at least 10 items in them
  • Sets will show originality, beauty, humor, excellence
  • Sets will represent Promethean Styles mission statement  "to always be fANNAtastic"
  • To be chosen means your set was all of these things and it is real honor.
  • Congratulations!
  • each winner will be chosen based on these credentials etc.
If you have someone you would like to nominate for next week please email or message me
Winner for week of April 6th  2012
Age 15 member for 4 years
Her sets are very eye catching come check her out!

go congratulate her

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  3. @lexusslou
    you have amazing sets!!!
